Hair loss is inevitable, especially as people grow older. Unfortunately for some, hair loss can occur early in life, leading people to take desperate measures to cover up the said flaw. Some may go for a hair transplant, and though a bit expensive, it is probably the best solution. But when it comes to hair transplant growth, many are still asking when the transplanted hair would reach its targeted results. It would take approximately about a year or even a bit longer to reach the target hair density. Below is a timeline of the hair transplant growth to help you manage your own expectations.

First Two Weeks
In the first week, some mild swelling on the area of the forehead occurs. This usually starts on the third day and would subside on the sixth day. Some small blood clots may also show on the operated area that would flake off between the fifth and seventh day. The redness on the scalp usually turns to a light pink color after a week or so. After 10 to 14 days, the sutures used during surgery will already be removed. Normally, some shedding may occur on the transplanted hair within 3 weeks after the surgery. This is really expected since the hair transplant growth process is in its dormant stage at this time.
First Few Months
After 1 to 3 months, some new hairs are already beginning to show. Hair transplant growth is never the same for all, and while some can see new hair in just a few weeks, others don’t see anything until at least a few months. Initially, the density of transplanted hair would be quite thin but would soon thicken. Some marks similar to acne may also appear but these are actually new hairs that are trying to come out. New hair transplant growth would be appearing on the fifth or sixth month after the hair transplant surgery. The transplanted hair by this time would have grown to about 2 to 3 inches.
Final Outcome
During the eighth to tenth month post-surgery, hair growth would be quite noticeable already. Hair would be much thicker and longer, and the overall appearance of the hair would be so much better than it was before. In a year’s time, the final result would be seen. However, there are some cases wherein surgeons would require you to have a follow-up hair transplant procedure to further perfect the overall appearance of your hair. Some adjustments and a minor surgery might be done the year after surgery or even before that.
This timeline of hair transplant growth is just an estimate based on most patient cases, and results may vary because different patients have varying hair growth rates. After a year or two, grown hair can be styled in any way you please because at this stage, the transplanted hair would be pretty much like your natural hair. Regular shampoos and other hair products can be used and your hair can be cut and styled anyway you want.