Facial hair transplant, also referred to as facial hair restoration, is a surgical procedure that some men and women opt for to restore lost hair. Such procedure may include restoration of hair in the beard, mustache, eyebrow, and eyelash. There are many reasons why people suffer from loss of facial hair. One of the most common reasons for facial hair loss in women is overplucking of eyebrow hair; but for men, it can usually be attributed to genetic conditions. Aside from the aforementioned reasons, loss of facial hair can also be a result of trauma from surgery, accidents, and burns.

The Facial Hair Transplant Procedure
A facial hair transplant begins by getting donor hairs from the back of the head. The hairs found in this area are quite similar in texture and growth to the hair in the face. Each hair follicle will then be transplanted into the target area also known as the recipient site, by a hair transplant surgeon. A good surgeon will know how to make the transplants look as natural as possible once the final results come out. The procedure is quite short and it is also an outpatient procedure, which will likely take 2 to 4 hours to complete. Although some doctors would tell you that you can report to work the next day, it is recommended that you spend a few days off work for proper recovery.
Tips to Follow Before Getting a Facial Hair Transplant
To ensure the best results for your facial hair transplant, it is necessary that you thoroughly discuss your concerns with your surgeon. Expectations and goals must be aligned between the two of you so that you will be happy with the outcome. Additionally, you should also prepare your budget even before approaching a doctor because the amount you are willing to pay can make a huge difference on the outcome. Be prepared to spend at least a few thousand dollars for the procedure. Lastly, it also helps to ask around for recommendations, call up several hair transplant clinics so that you can compare their prices, and check the “before and after” photos of their previous clients to determine which among them can do the transplant nicely.
Where to Get a Facial Hair Transplant
Most hair transplant clinics that perform conventional hair transplant procedures also conduct facial hair transplants. But just to be sure, it helps to really ask them if they have already done this procedure and for how long. Although the principle behind conventional transplants and facial hair transplants is basically the same, transplanting grafts for mustaches, beards, eyebrows, and eyelashes require a different skill and expertise. Keep in mind that a facial hair transplant looks different from those done on balding or thinning hair on the scalp so make sure the surgeon you choose has extensive experience on this type of transplant. It would be a good idea to choose a surgeon who specializes in facial hair transplant instead of just opting for a general hair transplant surgeon.