Hair transplantation is getting a lot of buzz these days. The FDA recognizes and approves this procedure and it is considered as the only means to permanently fix or cure hair loss. It is important to remember though that undergoing such treatment is not a one-time deal. You need to take care of your hair so that it will remain healthy for years to come. Another thing you should know is that these procedures can be quite expensive, which is why many people can only dream of getting a hair transplant. Luckily, there are hair transplant financing options that you can consider in order to make the procedure more affordable.

Pricing Models Used by Hair Transplant Clinics
Hair transplant experts use two basic pricing models and these are: (1) rate per session, or (2) cost per graft. Some clinics may even base their pricing schemes on cost per graft for every session. Pricing is highly affected certain factors such as extraction type, percentage of hair loss, density, and of course target results. Other factors that affect pricing are the reputation of the doctor, the clinic, and the facilities that they have. Average pricing per hair graft today ranges from $3.00 to about $8.00, and prices tend to lessen when the need for more sessions are required.
Other Costs to Consider
You should understand that the surgical procedure itself is not the only thing you will need to spend for. The cost rises when post-surgery expenses are considered. Long-term costs include the medications that a patient might need in the next few weeks or months after getting a hair transplant. Additionally, some patients also need to have a second or even a third session, especially if the balding problem is quite severe. This is why it is wise to consider paying through hair transplant financing options so that you will be able to comfortably afford the said procedure.
Financing Options Available
Fortunately, financing payment schemes are available and can even be made through most major credit cards. Terms can even be extended for up to 2 years with very affordable monthly payments. There are basically 2 types of hair transplant financing options and these are:
(1) Zero Interest Plan
- Most lending institutions would offer zero interest for three months
- Prepayment penalties are waived
- Basing on the total balance, a minimum average of 2.5% would be paid monthly for loan periods longer than three months
(2) Easy Payment Plan
- Equal monthly payments are divided up to 48 months
- Prepayment penalties are waived
- Low and affordable monthly payments
Application Process for Hair Transplant Financing Options
Application can be done over the phone, online, or in person. Processing your application involves filling out an online form, and when all details are entered, a simple click on the Submit button is all that’s left for you to do. Once approved, a credit limit and an account number would be given to you and you can use the funds to pay for your hair transplant procedure.