People lose their hair because of different reasons. Some people have the genetic imprint to lose their hair at a young age and they have no choice but to deal with it. Others develop a medical condition, and the medication they take or the condition itself will cause hair thinning and balding. Hair loss usually comes in relation to aging and a lot of people refuse to accept that they have come to face that path, already. To remedy this, many methods have become popular and hair transplantation seems to have gotten most of the attention… but does hair transplant work?
The Old Solution
In the past, when a person finds out that he is losing his hair, he can either accept it as it is or he could wear a wig. But, the truth is, wigs are not really fun to wear. They are uncomfortable and since there is always the danger of it coming off your head, people are not really that fond of it. In their desperation, many have tried to medicate themselves with hair growers and all kinds of scalp application formulas. These products promise regrowth and hair thickening, so the unfortunate balding population had no choice but to believe that they work, eventhough they really don’t.
The New Solution
The new solution is hair transplantation. This is the process of harvesting healthy hair from where it is still abundant, to be transplanted onto a patch where hair is scarce or completely gone. Does hair transplant work? This is the question that many people want to ask because it seems to be the best option on the table.
The Difference Between Hair Transplants Then and Now
Hair transplants then and now differ greatly. The past procedures involved implanting an entire patch of hair onto a balding spot and the result is quite unnatural and unsuccessful. The recent advances in hair transplantation, however, are deemed more successful because instead of transplanting patches, small hair follicles from the healthy scalp are transplanted onto the recipient site. Due to the delicateness of the technique, it meets more success in terms of growth and it leaves less to no scars on the patient. By the end of the procedure, the patient will have redeemed his pride back along with the natural growth of his crowning glory.
The Answer to the Million Dollar Question
Does hair transplant work? This question will be the first thing that a balding person will ask from his doctor. Understand that this kind of procedure is somehow subjective. Some people have found it ineffective, but many others have gotten good results. A lot of factors affect the result you will get and a definite outcome can never be predicted. You can expect for a transition period to occur. This is the period when some but not all of the grafts are growing normally. At this point, almost anything is normal and the growth rate is quite unpredictable and slow. Not all grafts will meet a successful end. Some grafts will enhance the regrowth of new hair follicles but some will shed too. In fact, some patients will need a second procedure to be able to get the best results.